====== Outlaw Sprinter ======
{{:spaceships:spaceships-outlaw-sprinter.jpg?nolink|Outlaw Sprinter}}
===== Description =====
The "Outlaw Sprinter" is a compact spacecraft distinguished by its cost-effective design and high velocity. While modest in strength and armament, this nimble ship presents an excellent choice for fast and affordable space travel. It is superbly suited for scenarios where speed and cost-efficiency are prioritized over combat power and heavy armaments.
===== Ship Information =====
^ **Attribute** ^ **Value** ^
| **Research Level** | 1 (Unlocked) |
| **Research Cost** | - |
| **Price** | 5,200 Credits |
| **Primary System Slot** | 3 |
| **Support System Slot** | 2 |
| **Tactical System Slot** | 2 |
| **Reactor System Slot** | 1 |
| **Engine System Slot** | 1 |
| **Length** | 82 meters |
| **Weight** | 17,000 |
| **Crew Size** | 50 |
| **Cargo Capacity** | 100 |
| **Structural Integrity** | 800 |
===== Deployment Areas =====
* Fast transport missions
* Exploration flights in safe systems
===== Strengths =====
* High speed
* Low operating costs
===== Weaknesses =====
* Weak armament
* Low structural integrity